Saturday, December 15, 2012

Complete 180

Once again it has been 4 months since I last posted and since then I have meant to update my blog dozens of times. Half the time I have even planned out what I could write but something else always grabbed my attention before I got around to actually doing it. The majority of those things were Doctor Who, which I have fallen head over heels in love with. I literally can not get enough of it and I put my life on hold until I caught up with 7 seasons. I am all caught up though and I am putting my life back into motion, including this blog. Since my last blog post I have had so many life changes and the question of what comes next did a complete 180.

I AM EMPLOYED!!!! A family friend is a principal at an elementary school and had an instructional assistant position open to work with at risk kids. I very reluctantly agreed to interview for the position because even though the job didn’t sound exciting I needed the money and an excuse to wake up every morning. I got the job and it has changed my life. I love what I am doing. I spend all day surrounded by 4th graders and even though they can get on my nerves they also give me so many reasons to smile. Watching them finally understand what we are teaching is an indescribable feeling, and I am so happy that I get to experience it. I also work at the most amazing school, everyone is so kind and make me feel so welcome, like I am part of a group. They also believe in me, even when I don’t believe in myself. They have complete faith that I can do/teach whatever they need me to, and even when I am freaking out internally they give me the push to follow through on all of my tasks. They make waking up easier every morning. Since I love my job so much it has lead me to my next piece of news.

I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE!!! I honestly thought this day would never come but I did my best to keep believing. I would remind myself that God has a plan for me and I have simply not reached the point in my life where I get to know what it is. I was patient though and now I know. I was meant to be a teacher. My job has opened up my eyes to how much I love and enjoy working with elementary school aged kids. People always told me that I would make a fantastic teacher but I never believed them. I had no interest in being a teacher, so why would I? I always knew I loved kids because of babysitting but the idea of having a child’s education in my hands made me nervous and terrified me. I am still nervous about this and a little terrified but my job has shown me that I can do it. All of the teachers at school tell me on a regular basis that I am doing a great job and tell me that I am a natural teacher. Their faith in me is giving me the confidence I need to go and get my teaching certificate. Now that I have decided to be a teacher no other job possibility even comes close to making me as happy. I can imagine my life as a teacher and I am just filled with excitement and happiness. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I was meant to be a teacher.

It amazes me how something as small as getting a job can change your entire life. I am no longer worrying about what comes next, instead I am looking forward to it.

**Also, lets all acknowledge the fact that my blog is 1 years old!!! In 1 year I had 23 posts, which may not seem like a lot but for me it is a huge deal…look at me go. :)

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