Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Final Countdown


I have talked about my love for Sleeperstar previously, and I am sure I will talk about them again, but you get to hear about them now too.

Sleeperstar can easily be called one of my favorite bands and without Austin College I probably would have never heard of them.  In the past I typically listened to top 40 or country music, with a little bit of oldies mixed in. (You can’t get any better than old school 80s music).  I don’t actively go and try to find the next big band, I wait for them to find me and who knows how long it would have taken Sleeperstar to find me.  This was two years ago, when I first discovered them, now a days it would be almost physically impossible to discover them.  I listen to Broadway show tunes. All. The. Time.  So if I do discover a new band/performer it is because they are from Broadway who released and album/EP. 

I also think that Sleeperstar is one of the reasons I became so close to Stephanie.  Before Sleeperstar I don’t remember hanging out with Stephanie, we were sisters, but not close friends.  Sleeperstar helped change all of that.  We decided to go to the cd release party together and our relationship was never the same.  We just got closer and closer as time went on.  Sleeperstar provided us an opportunity to have a shared interest that allowed us to realize how many shared interests we actually have and how similar we are.  Liking Sleeperstar only has positive outcomes.

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